Chipper (Brush Chipper) 3″ Capacity


Looking for the perfect little chipper for those smaller tree jobs or general yard cleanup? Well look no further…The Dosko brand brush chipper is just the solution. It will handle up to 3″ branches with ease. It can also process leaves and small brush so you can minimize how many bags it takes to clean up.

• Powered by reliable, long lasting Honda GX engine
• 3″ capacity
• 54″ chute
• Portable
   – Fold down handles
   – 15″ tall tires
• 4 PowerRated Gates belts
• Long-lasting Dodge greasable bearings
   – Made in the U.S.A.
• Double edge, reversible knife
   – Easily rotate blades for a fresh cutting edge
• Mechanical belt tensioning system
   – Mechanical belt clutching mechanism allows for easy starts without the use of a centrifugal clutch
• Adjustable angle deflector
   – Allows material to be blown into backs of truck or trailers

ENGINE: GX390 – 13HP
WEIGHT: 350#'S
DIMENSIONS: 44" L x 32" W x 60" H

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